Monthly Calendar Instructions
All Solair events, activities and meetings are conveniently listed on our master monthly calendar. Other calendars and event listings allow you to choose exactly the event, activity or location you are interested in. Events are subject to change be sure to visit this page the day of the event for any changes. We have hundreds of events and activities each season so it might be helpful to take a few minutes to learn the filter and display features of our calendar and event listings, see the helpful hints below. The 2023 Season Highlights Poster on the featured events page is a big picture listing which allows you to plan for your favorite weekends, Always check the master calendar for any changes and updates.
Master Calendar
ALL events, activities and meetings listed here.
Helpful Hints:
Desktop View: Filter by category to see just, meetings, events or activities. Filter by location to see what is happening at the Pavillion , Tennis Courts or pool for example. Be sure to click FILTER button after selecting your category or location. Want to know when your favorite DJ is playing use the search button on the top left of the desktop calendar view. You can also select your favorite way of viewing our calendar by Month, Week, Day or as a simple list .

Mobile View: If using the mobile view on your phone click on the day you are interested in and be sure to scroll down to see the days activities for the selected day. Click on any event heading to see a detailed listing of the event. You toggle monthly calendar to a listing of events by clicking on the list icon next to where it says “Today” in the blue banner.

Custom Calendar Views
Subscribe to our calendar.
The ICAL button on the upper left of our desktop version of our calendar will give you a feed to our calendar which allows you to subscribe to our calendar using your favorite calendar app. Please be aware that changes, cancellations and updates to our events post here within minutes while the imported calendars update based on your calendars update policies, Google Calendar for example may take 12 to 24 hours to update so you should always check here or our home page or the displays around camp for the latest information as the events draw closer. ]